

what is life

 Life Is A Test
  It makes for a lot of stress, and we tend to feel that there will be more hard lessons in life
  Life Is An Adventure
  It orients us towards seeing the unpredictable events and circumstances as potentially fun and interesting challenges
  Life Is A Punishment
  It is inherent in some religions, which suggest a punishing "purification" through life as a means to some great reward afterward
  Life Is A Punishment
  It is inherent in some religions, which suggest a punishing "purification" through life as a means to some great reward afterward
  Life Is An Opportunity
  The perspective this creates is one that encourages actions and going after your dreams and goals
  Life Is A Waiting Room

It is hard to imagine a more passive perspective: we wait for "our ship to come in," for example, or say, "my time will come." We wait to hear "opportunity knocking," or "my turn." Of course, none of these ideas encourage us to take action to make things happen

