Fukushima's governmentsaid 84 head of cattle shipped from five farms had been fed contaminated straw. Concerns aboutradiation-tainted beef intensified Sunday in Japan as officials struggled todetermine the scope of the problem and prevent further contamination of themeat supply. The government preparedto suspend cattle shipments from Fukushima amid a growing tally of cows thatfed on rice straw containing high levels of radioactive cesium. The straw was harvestedfrom rice paddies in the prefecture (state) after the March 11 earthquake andtsunami triggered the release of radiation from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclearpower plant. Distributors nationwidebought meat from the exposed cows, and some has already reached consumers. Major supermarket chainoperator Aeon Co. says more than 703 pounds (319 kilograms) of that meat endedup at 14 of its outlets in Tokyo and nearby prefectures. Between late April andmid-June, customers at those stores bought beef that came from a farm inAsakawa, Fukushima where cattle ate radiation-trained straw, according to thecompany. Aeon says it will protectconsumers by strengthening its radiation testing systems for beef. Senior Vice-HealthMinister Kohei Otsuka said Sunday that the government may consider expandingthe expected cattle restriction beyond Fukushima. "We may need toincrease our response by checking the distribution of contaminated straw,"he said on a national television talk show. His comments came a dayafter Fukushima's government said 84 head of cattle shipped from five farms hadbeen fed contaminated straw. It also released resultsof tests conducted on remaining straw, which revealed cesium levels as high as500,000 becquerels per kilogram at one farm in Koriyama City. That translates toroughly 378 times the legal limit. The new revelation bringsthe number of exposed cows so far to 143, according to Kyodo News agencycalculations. Affected cattle growershave said they were unaware that the national government had issued a warning onMarch 19 that feed stored outdoors should not be given to their animals. AFukushima government official acknowledged that the prefecture did notadequately pass along the instruction to farmers. Local and nationalgovernment officials say they are working to trace the location of thesuspected meat and will improve safety checks.
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