Dog people are 50% more likely to be conservative
Cat people skew liberal
Dog people are 23% more likely to have an iPhone
Cat people are 7% more likely to have an android
Dog people read The Lost Symbol
Cat people read Infinite Jest
Dog people watch American Idol
Cat people watch Damages
Dog people are 11% more likely to know their neighbors names
Cat people are 14% more likely to cling to their friends at a party
Dog people are 15% more likely to be extroverts
Cat people are 11% more likely to be introverts
Dog people find themselves fashion conscious
Cat people are 11% more likely to consider themselves fashion challenged
Dog people are 18% more likely to consider Paul McCartney their favorite Beatle
Cat people are 25% more likely to call their favorite Beatle George Harrison
Dog people read Real Simple
Cat people read The Nation
Dog people are 30% more likely to enjoy slapstick humor
Cat people are 21% more likely to enjoy ironic humor and puns
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