


Another nuclear disaster possible in Japan

An independent advisor to the Japanese government warns that the Fukushima nuclear plant still carries the risk of major disaster if another large earthquake or tsunami strikes. He also criticized the government's slow reaction after the quake.
Special Member of Japan Atomic Energy Commission, Shigeharu Aoyama, conducted a field investigation in the quake-stricken plant last Friday.
He visited the Emergency Operations Room inside the Earthquake Proof building of the plant where workers are toiling round the clock to contain the leak.
They were seen removing gloves, masks and protective clothing which had been exposed to high levels of radiation and putting them into a vinyl bag before entering the room.
The Head of the Nuclear Power Plant Operations said the nuclear reactor looked like it was stabilizing for now, but the danger is far from over.
Aoyama also warned that the 9.1 magnitude Sumatra earthquake of 2004 had an 8.6 magnitude aftershock three months later, the same could happen here in Japan.
He stressed the government is overlooking the dangers.
Shigeharu Aoyama, Special Member of Japan Atomic Energy Commission, said, "A big earthquake can strike at any time and we are in the midst of that danger. But we are too focused on how to cool the reactor, and how to treat the highly radioactive water. Although we have 1,500 people working on the problems, we have not built an embankment."
Aoyama also criticized the government's slow speed in reacting to the quake, saying the nuclear disaster could have been mitigated if Japan had taken swift action, such as letting the United States help in the initial stages.
Shigeharu Aoyama, Special Member of Japan Atomic Energy Commission, said, "I'm not saying the Japanese people don't trust the government, but they know that the government is trying to save its own neck, and behaving dishonestly towards its people."
The Fukushima Daiichi complex started leaking high-levels of radiation following the earthquake and tsunami more than six weeks ago.
The government has set up a 20 kilometer evacuation zone around it, forcing inhabitants to leave. People in the 30 kilometer exclusion zone have been advised to leave within the month.
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